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  • Licenced for Scent Work!

    Great news. Billie Rosen, the Training Director, just received a letter from the AKC that Jumping Chollas Agility Club of Greater Phoenix (JCACGP) - that’s the AKC arm of Jumping Chollas - is now licensed to hold scent work trials. More and more people are getting involved in scent work and, like agility, it is a teamwork event. We discussed possibly holding a scent work trial in February, 2020, but nothing definite yet. To learn more about AKC Scent Work, click here. #AKC #scentwork #JCACGP

  • Website Updates - Results

    The results from the April 12 - 14th NADAC trials held at the Jumping Chollas "Patch" have been posted on our 2019 Events page. Sunday evening was beautiful and there was a lovely AZ sunset. #Results #NADAC #2019

  • Website Updates - Results

    The results from the April 2019 AKC trial jointly hosted by the Valle Del Sol Golden Retriever Club and the Jumping Chollas Agility Club of Greater Phoenix have now been posted on our Results (2019) page. #2019 #AKC #Results

  • Website Updates - Results

    The results of the March 8-10th NADAC trials have been posted on our 2019 Results page. Huge thanks to Renee Stanneart for stitching the files together for the webmaster. Sure made life easier and the result quicker to upload and post. Below, Judge Patti Cavin of Puyallup, WA. Below (foreground), Judge Ed Scharringhausen of Lancaster, TX. #Results #NADAC #2019

  • Website Updates

    Uploaded a revised premium for the March 8-10th NADAC trial and a revised premium for the April 12-14, 2019 NADAC trial. Please note that the times of the April NADAC trial were changed to the evening. Both premiums can be found on our Trials and Events page. #Premiumlist #2019 #NADAC

  • Website Updates - Results

    The results from the Saturday February 9th, 2019 NADAC Junior Handling competition and the regular NADAC trial on Sunday February 10th have been posted on the 2019 Results page. Be sure to check out the fantastic group photo of the Juniors taken on Saturday on our News. Sunday morning was very cold and there was a lot of frost on the field, equipment, and tables and chairs. The start of the trial was delayed until almost 8:30 while we waited for the frost to melt. Welcome to winter in AZ! #Results #2019 #NADAC

  • 2019 Jr Handler Competition

    JCAC annually hosts a Jr. Handling Agility Competition with t-shirts presented to each Jr Handler. Becky Gilbert has once again organized this event which took place at The Jumping Chollas Patch on February 9, 2019. Each year the t-shirts are a little different and in 2019, they were spectacularly vibrant. Monica Garritt took this fantastic group photo of the juniors, their dogs, and Judge Dan Roy of San Diego CA. #2019 #JrHandlers #NADAC

  • 2019 NADAC Week - Craft Night

    To celebrate NADAC week, JCAC, led by member Ann Hammersley, organized a ribbon/rosette wreath-making craft event This is a wonderful way to use and display your agility (or other) ribbons and rosettes. No one finished theirs that evening but everyone had a great time learning how to do it. The completed wreath shown in the slide show was done prior to the evening by Ann Hammersley in memory of recently deceased JCAC member Elaine Scott. Ann intends to present it to Elaine's daughter. Here are some photos from the evening. Now you know what to do with all your dog's ribbons & rosettes!! And here is a finished product completed by Joyce B at home after the event. How stunning! #NADAC #craft #wreath #ribbons

  • Remembering Elaine Scott

    With her southern drawl and warm charm, Elaine Scott and her dogs, especially Chloe and Tinberlee in recent years, endeared herself to other NADAC agility competitors and JCAC members. She was a long-time JCAC member, having just received her 10-year membership pin in 2018. After a short battle with kidney disease and cancer, sadly Elaine passed away January 25th, 2019. RIP Elaine, you are missed.

  • Website Updates

    Uploaded the premium list for the April, 2019 AKC Agility Trial. Found on our Trials and Events page. Entries open February 18/19 and close March 22/19. #AKC #Premiumlist #2019

  • NADAC Rule Changes

    Here are several rule changes taking effect in the next few months. Starting August 2019, Bonus runs for Regular only will be judged like at Championships, there will be 4 sections on the course and for each section you complete in flow from the bonus box/line, you will get certain number of points, DRI’s will also be a factor for how many points Gamblers will be making a return as a NADAC class, effective August 2019. This will be different than the original Gamblers, but will be a distance strategy game. For the first year or so, clubs can offer Gamblers without regard to the usual run limits. Starting in January 2020, judges will have to design their own courses again. For those who don’t know, for many years, NADAC has had a course book and judges are given the courses. So we will start to see more variation in the courses!!!! But, this is going to cause judging fees to be increased by $.50 a run, and inflation and increased workloads will result in NADAC fees increasing by $.50. So JCAC will need to consider increasing our entry fees for NADAC trials by $1 a run to offset this increase. Beginning in June 2019, at the Intro and Novice levels only, you will be able to run with a non-squeaky toy, although it will be an E (similar to some other venues). Beginning in June 2019, dogs will be allowed to tug on their leash in the ring and around the ring, even with a toy attached to the leash, however ! the dog’s feet MUST stay on the ground, i.e. no aggressive tugging, and you must not tug within 10’ of another dog. There will be an adjustment to run limits which considers the number of course builds and rounds. Clubs must give a refund for a bitch in season (JCAC already does that). There will a provision for a judge helper for 2 ring shows that go over entry limits. JCAC hasn’t gone over in a while, so this won’t affect us yet (but we can hope it might in the future). #NADAC #rules

  • Website updates

    Uploaded the premium for the March NADAC trial and also details about JCAC's NADAC week fun and activities. Check them out on our Trials and Events page. #Premiumlist #NADAC

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