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An Amazing Work Day!

A HUGE thanks to the eighteen people who spent this Sunday morning cleaning the Patch. We started with a long list of things to do and everything on the list was completed today! Rocks were raked, weeds pulled, the small shed and tunnel bag box have been painted white, the light poles in the parking lot have been painted white, and the driveway has been filled in with rocks.

Kristina Newman brought her truck and brushed the turf so it once again looks dark green and 'fluffy'.

The land behind the west wall was a mess! Weeds were knee high and one of the mesquite trees was taking over everything, so weeds were taken down with a weed eater plus some weed killer, and a chain saw took care of the tree. Now we need to find someone or something to dispose of all the brush! We have hired someone to fix the block wall, but before he could do that, the tree stumps had to be removed, and that was a major project.

The next time you are at the Patch take a walk around the perimeter and look at all the work that has gone into making things better. In the meantime, thank you:

Barb Ryback, Ann Hammersly, Sue Boe, Kristina and Jeff Newman, Ruth and John Demar, Lisa Esquivel, Patty Meadows, Ann and Kelly Allen, Pam Walker, Wendy Wells, Wendy Hultsman, Sylvia Dorosh, Linda Jacobs, Jean White and Jim Nicholson for all the hard work.

We ended the morning with a sub from Streets of New York and shared ideas for the next projects we want to tackle to make the Patch even better.

Happy New Year everyone.

Alice Nicholson

President, Jumping Chollas


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