Agility Classes
For more information about the training schedule, fees, and other policies, please click Training Information. Questions about classes? Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to get in touch with the Training Director.
Foundation & Relationship - Wednesdays 6:15 PM (7:15 PM in August)
Focuses on the basic behaviors and tools which form the foundation for solid teamwork and obstacle performance.
Starts training on contact boards, tunnels, hoops, operant learning, and more.
Prepares you and your dog for Beginner I and higher.
NOTE: Our classes are popular, so there is often a waiting list for this class. Spots are offered on a first applied, first served basis.
Junior Handling - Wednesdays 7:00 PM
For Junior Handlers up to the age of 18 years (updated Nov, 2024)
Beginner 1 - Thursdays 6:30 PM
Must have completed the Foundation and Relationship class or Leaps 'N Bounds (LNB) Puppy Class or Junior Handler class.
Introduces you to training the contact obstacles, weave poles, jumps, and tunnels, and continuation of basic skills and tools that underlie handling, including stays (for start lines), recalls, and a release command.
Introduces forward sends, rear crosses, front crosses and distance.
Beginner 2 - Thursdays 8:00 PM
Must have successfully completed Beginner I or Leaps 'N Bounds (LNB) Puppy Class or Junior Handler class.
Continues training of contact obstacles and weave poles, and introduces training for other obstacles including the tire and table. Introduces distance handling skills and turns, beginning of sequencing several obstacles, and beginning handling and side change skills.
Works towards running a short course by the end of the session.
Intermediate I - Mondays 8:00 PM
Must have successfully completed Beginner II class, Junior Handler class, or Puppy class.
Completes the basic training of obstacles; begins focusing on handling, i.e., directing the dog through a course and continues handling and side change skills.
Focuses on teaching turns, jumping skills, obstacle sequencing, blind crosses and rear crosses.
Intermediate II - Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Must have successfully completed Intermediate I class.
Focuses on handling tools such as wraps, and front, blind, and rear crosses; continues distance skills, introduces obstacle discrimination and develops additional obstacle performance skills.
You will gain experience running medium length course sequences.
Intermediate III - Tuesdays 8:00 PM
Must have successfully completed Intermediate II class.
Introduces additional handling tools such as serpentines, sending to the backside of jumps, and 270s.
Focuses on obstacle discrimination and continues work on distance, side changes, and obstacle performance skills.
Novice - Thursdays 8:00 PM
Must have successfully completed Intermediate III class.
Prepares you for Advanced/Competition class.
Focuses on using and applying handling and performance skills and how to analyze a course sequence.
Works the same exercises as the Advanced/Competition class in a simpler or shorter format.
Advanced/Competition - Mondays 6:30 PM; Tuesday 6:30 & 8:00 PM; Wednesday morning; Thursdays 6:30 PM
Must have successfully completed the Novice Class.
Includes dogs at all levels of competition, and those who just want to perfect their skills but not compete.
Works on more advanced skills, while polishing and further developing the foundation skills required in successfully running agility courses.
Distance - Monday Nights
Admission to Distance classes requires approval from the instructor and training director.
Monday 5:30 pm - Advanced Distance class (those previously in this class and have significant distance skills). Instructor approval is required to be in this class.
Monday 6:30 pm - Intermediate Distance class (must have already taken at least one session of distance classes). Instructor approval is required to be in this class.
​Classes are limited to 8 dogs.
Do not sign up unless you plan on attending all of the classes.
Course Class - Wednesday 8 PM & Thursday 8 AM
For dogs which have successfully completed the Novice class and/or Intermediate III.
Course analysis and performance.
Wednesday evening class focuses on NADAC style courses.
Thursday morning class focuses on running courses from NADAC, ASCA, AKC and USDAA.
Not sure which class to register for? Other training questions?
Contact our Training Director, Wendy Hultsman, using the form below.