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2024 JCAC Results

Jan. 13 - 15, 2024 AKC Agility
Jan 13   FAST   JWW    STD    T2B
Jan 14   FAST   JWW    STD    T2B
Jan 15   JWW     STD    T2B
Jan. 19 - 21, 2024 NADAC Agility

Jan. 19     Jumpers    TNG  

Jan. 20    Chances    Grounders   Regular    Weavers

Jan. 21     Jumpers   Regular   TNG   Tunnelers


Feb. 10, 2024 NADAC Agility Jr Handler Competition

Feb. 10    Jumpers    Regular   TNG   Tunnelers

Feb. 16 - 18, 2024 NADAC Agility

Feb. 16   Gamblers    Weavers

Feb. 17   Chances   Jumpers    Regular    TNG

Feb. 18   Chances    Regular   Tunnelers

Feb 9 - 11 2024  AKC Scentwork

Feb 9  Handler Discrim 1      Handler Discrim 2

Feb 10   All Elements & Levels

Feb 11    All Elements & Levels


Mar. 2 - 3, 2024 AKC Agility
Mar. 2   FAST   JWW    STD    T2B
Mar. 3   JWW     STD    T2B
May 11 - 12 NADAC Agility
May 11  Jumpers   Regular   TNG 
May 12  Chances    Regular   Weavers
June 12  NADAC Agility Mini-Trial
June 12  Grounders



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